Worship Services
We are a welcoming congregation and we would love for your to join us on Sundays for a time of worship and fellowship. We are located at 3752 Giles Avenue at the corner of Giles and Chippewa in south St. Louis, just west of South Grand.
Sunday Schedule
10:00 AM - Worship Service
11:00 AM - Fellowship

Weekly Newsletter
We have a weekly newsletter with updates about our worship services and church community events. If you would like to receive it, drop us a line at stlmenno@gmail.com or follow us on Facebook.
We are an Anabaptist faith community in St. Louis. Guided by the ministry of Jesus Christ, we seek to live out God's vision of love, peace and social justice. Through discernment of scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a sign of God's presence in the world and grow stronger together in faith and compassion.